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A Look Back - Side Bar

'A Neat, Neat Box'

The NeXT computer wowed industry analysts by offering more bang -- and byte -- for the buck. Whatever its commercial chances, it qualifies as state of the art in six areas.

  • Sight: The high-resolution black-and-white monitor shows exactly what will come out of the laser printer.
  • Sound: A Motorola chip helps record and play back music and voices with the fidelity of a compact disc.
  • Memory: The removable, erasable optical-disk drive can hold enough information to fill hundreds of books.
  • Software: The machine comes complete with word processing, data base, Unix, programming languages.
  • Extras: A dictionary, thesaurus, book of quotations and the complete works of Shakespeare are thrown in.
  • Price: The $6,500 tag (with academic discount) is low, considering everything that comes in the package.


Photographs: Flash for the classroom: Reed College students try out a NeXT. Photograph by: James D Wilson -- Newsweek

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